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TILAM KING is a revolutionized Mattresses & Beddings boutique targeted at the very SINGAPOREAN. We believe in quality COMPONENTS rather than Brand name. Would you buy the lowest quality product from a big Brand? Or buy something that has the greatest component spec wise but at a reasonable price? Our focus is providing the best quality product at the most reasonable prices! So consumers can purchase with more confidence because the core components are of the HIGHEST quality.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Tilam King (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Sound Sleep
Why is sleep important?
Sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. Like eating right and exercising, sleeping well is essential to feeling your best during the day. It affects how you feel, your relationships, your productivity and your quality of life. While you sleep, your brain goes to work, consolidating the day's learning into memory and reenergizing the body.Is it true that napping can be bad for you?
There's nothing wrong with taking a short nap to help refresh you during the day. But if you find you're napping all the time, it could be a sign that you aren't getting as much sleep as you should. Or that you're not getting the deep, restful sleep you need at night.Does the mattress affect how a person sleeps?
Yes. The mattress has the potential either to encourage sleep or depriving you of sleep. Whether your mattress is a sleep friend or a sleep foe can determine how refreshed you feel in the morning. If you're tossing and turning more at night or if you're waking up feeling stiff or sore after a night's sleep, it could be a sign that your current mattress is no longer the best for you. Your body appreciates a comfortable, supportive mattress and will let you know if it's not up to the task.How much sleep does the average person need?
The average person needs 7-8 hours a night, but it differs for every person. Some people may need as much as 10 hours a night and others need much less. If you sleep longer on the weekends than during the week, you probably aren't getting the sleep you need every night.What are some ways to get a better night's sleep?
A few key things should help. Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day – even on the weekends. This will help keep your biological clock in sync. Develop a sleep ritual by doing the same things each night just before bed. Parents often establish a routine for their kids, but it can help adults, too. A routine cues the body to settle down for the night. Another hint: Unwind early in the evening so that worries and distractions don't keep you from getting a good night's sleep. Finally, create a restful sleep environment – sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation – to get your best night's rest. If you're sleeping as much as you need, but still find that you're sleepy during the day, you should consult your doctor to see if you might have a medical condition interfering with your sleep.
What's the right amount of sleep?
It differs for every person. Some people may need as much as 10 hours a night and others need much less. The average person needs 7-8 hours a night. If you find yourself sleepy during the day, you probably need more sleep at night. Or if you sleep longer on the weekends than during the week, you probably need more sleep during the week.Sleep Problems
What can shift workers or people who work at night do to sleep better?
Anyone who sleeps during the day needs to make sure their room is dark – use heavy window coverings to block out the light. This is important for everyone, but particularly for people who sleep when it's bright outside. Also, make sure your room is cool, between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degrees Celsius). Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation that offers you enough space to move around comfortably. And sleep in a room that's quiet. The sleep environment is a very controllable part of good sleep – whether you're sleeping during the day or at night. You can adjust the temperature, replace an uncomfortable or worn-out mattress, block out noise with earplugs or a white noise machine and keep light from your bedroom with dark blinds or eye shades.Is there a problem with falling asleep on the sofa watching television, not falling asleep in bed?
If you regularly fall asleep on your sofa, you may not be getting as much sleep as you need at night in your bed. Or maybe your sofa is more comfortable than your bed! In either case, you should make sure to practice good sleep habits – from sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress to not drinking alcohol too close to bedtime. And try to get more sleep – it may change how you feel during the day. Check out the Better Sleep Guide for tips on how to get a better night's sleep.Where should I go for information if I think I have a sleep-related health problem?
If you've tried the common sense tips from our Better Sleep Guide, and you know you're sleeping in a restful bedroom environment including a comfortable and supportive mattress, you should see your doctor. You may have a medical condition that interferes with getting a good night's sleep. Check out our Sleep Disorders link for groups that might be able to help.What if there's no time for sleep? What can people do to sleep better?
A. Sleep needs to be a health priority. It affects every aspect of your day-to-day living. If you can't say "yes" to sleep, make sure to make the most out of the sleep you get. Exercise regularly – people who exercise a few times a week sleep better than people who don't. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products late in the day. All can interfere with sleep. You need to create a restful sleep environment so the sleep you get is restorative and uninterrupted. Sleep in a dark room, on a comfortable, supportive mattress. Keep the room cool and quiet. And if you find yourself too stressed to sleep, make a list of all the things you need to do. Once you've made your to-do list, give yourself permission to relax and sleep. You'll need the energy to tackle your tasks in the morning.Can people make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping in on weekends?
No. If you sleep more on the weekends than during the week – and many of us do – this indicates that you have a "sleep debt." A sleep debt accumulates when you don't get enough sleep. The only way to reduce the debt is to sleep as much as your body needs every night. Make sure you're getting the right quality of sleep as well. Sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room on a comfortable, supportive mattress to get your best night's sleep.How can someone tell if they have a sleep disorder?
If you've looked at your sleep environment and your everyday routine to make sure you're not sabotaging your sleep and you still feel sleepy after getting a full night's sleep, you should see your doctor. You may have a medical condition that interferes with getting a good night's sleep. Check out our Sleep Disorders link for groups with more information.Shopping for Mattresses
What's the best mattress?
The answer is a matter of individual taste. What's best for others may not be best for you. When it comes to mattresses, there is no one-size-fits-all. After all, we're all built differently and have different comfort and support preferences, so why would the same mattress be "best" for all of us?To determine the mattress that's best for you, we recommend using the process of elimination to weed out the ones you don't like. Go to a retailer and use the "rest test" to narrow down your choices. As you lie down on the mattresses, pay attention to three of the mattress's most important features: comfort, support and space. The mattress that best fulfills the combination of these needs is the "best" mattress for you. If you sleep with a partner, bring that person with you to test out the mattresses. After all, you will need to reconcile what you like best with what your partner likes best.
How can you best shop for mattresses?
You need to understand your needs before you start shopping. We recommend that you think about your lifestyle. How has it changed since you last bought a mattress and how might these changes affect your purchase? And what about your body? Has it changed and how has this affected your needs for support or your comfort preferences? Finally, think about space needs and if you have a partner, take your partner with you to shop for a new mattress. It's important to find something to meet both of your support needs and comfort preferences.Now that you’ve considered all of the issues, visit a mattress retailer you trust and talk to someone who will have informative answers to your questions. Then, take a "rest test" to compare the feel of different mattresses by lying down on them. You will quickly find some mattresses you like and others that do not meet your personal comfort preferences and support needs. Through this process of elimination, you can determine which mattresses you like best.
How can you tell when a mattress is "used up?"
Your body should tell you when it's time for a new one – but are you paying attention? If you regularly wake up feeling stiff and sore or if you aren't sleeping as well as you did a year ago, it may be time to replace what you're sleeping on. At least twice a year, check for visible signs of wear and tear. Ask yourself if you're sleeping better or worse than you did a year ago and if a new mattress might improve your sleep. This regular sleep check-up will help ensure your mattress is still doing its job.What should people look for in a new mattress?
Four keys to keep in mind are support, comfort, space and matching sets. The mattress that's right for you will keep your spine in proper alignment – how your spine is positioned when it's in good standing posture – supporting your body and cradling it along its curves. The right mattress will also be comfortable for your body. Keep in mind that your comfort preferences are likely to change as you age. Make sure the mattress provides enough space for easy, free movement. Couples should sleep on a queen or king-size mattress. And keep in mind that a mattress and foundation are designed to work together. Buy them as a set and get the most out of your investment in yourself.What should people do to prepare for buying a new mattress?
Assess your needs before you start shopping. Think about your lifestyle. How has it changed since you last bought a mattress and how might these changes effect your purchase? And what about your body? Has it changed and how has this affected your need for support or your comfort preferences? Finally, think about space needs and take your partner with you (if you have one) when you shop for your mattress. You need to find something to meet both your support needs and comfort preferences.What is the best way to try a mattress?
The best way to try a mattress is to take the "SLEEP Test". First, select a mattress, then lie down in your sleep position. Evaluate the level of comfort and support. Ask questions and educate yourself about each selection. It’s important to remember to shop with your partner.Don't be embarrassed. You don't think twice about test driving a car, and you shouldn't think twice about "SLEEP Testing" a mattress. Lie down on the mattress for several minutes, close your eyes and focus on how well it provides support and how comfortable it is for you. The only way to tell if a mattress is right for you is to lie down on it and take the time to truly relax.
How often should mattresses be replaced? How long do they last?
Mattresses wear out on different timetables. This is due to numerous factors such as how the mattress was used (guest room, master bedroom, doubled as a trampoline for the kids), whether it was cared for properly and/or the quality of the mattress itself. Other important considerations are how personal comfort levels or a person's lifestyle and body may have changed over the years. We encourage you to think about these things and ask yourself the following questions:
Are you sleeping better or worse than you did a year ago?
Are you waking up feeling stiff and sore?
Does your mattress have visible signs of wear and tear?
Would a new mattress improve your sleep?
If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, then it's time to consider purchasing a new mattress. And because people tend to overlook their mattresses and don't think about them, we recommend that you "check" your mattress using these four questions on a regular basis – at least twice a year – to make sure mattress wear and tear isn't sneaking up on you and disrupting your sleep.
How much money should be spent on a mattress?
Your rest – the amount and quality of your sleep – is a critical factor in your overall well-being. It can affect how you feel physically and mentally as well as your productivity. Accordingly, we urge you to invest in your rest, and spend enough on a mattress to ensure that your individual comfort and support needs are being met. Be sure not to shortchange yourself out of a good, quality night's sleep and buy the best mattress you can afford. The average person spends one-third of his or her life in bed. This equals 220,000 hours over the course of a lifetime! Your mattress is the most-used piece of furniture in the home. It could be the biggest investment that no one else sees, but you’ll have the deepest appreciation for.What size mattress does a couple need?
Couples should sleep in a queen or king-size mattress for free, easy movement. Couples who sleep on a full mattress are only allowing themselves the same room to move around as a baby has in a crib. Make sure to take your partner with you when you shop for a mattress. It's important that you find one that meets both your support need and comfort preferences. Click here for more details.Children and Sleep
What can new parents do to sleep better?
There's nothing more challenging than taking care of a new baby. The good news is, as babies grow older, they sleep for far longer periods at a time and soon will sleep through the night. In the meantime, know that erratic sleep schedules and getting up in the middle of the night will be part of your lives for the next few months. So make the most of the sleep you can get – provide yourself and your husband with a restful sleep environment. Sleep in a cool, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress. That way, you'll get the best sleep you can, even if it's for shorter periods of time. And learn to sleep when your baby does. It may be tempting to tackle chores while your baby sleeps, but a quick nap will help boost your energy. Sleep is as important to you as it is to your child.How much sleep do children need?
Kids need at least nine hours of sleep each night to be star students. To help make sure your kids get the sleep they need, make sure your child's bedroom is conducive to a good night's sleep – your child's room should be cool, quiet and dark and he or she should be sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress. For more information on kids and sleep, check out the Garfield Star Sleeper Campaign.Should a parent pass down an old mattress to a child?
If a mattress is no longer comfortable for you, it's not good enough for someone else – especially your child. As kids grow, they need supportive and comfortable bedding as well. Be sure your children have enough space to move around comfortably as they grow.Mattress Care
Mattress Care
Consider your new mattress and foundation as "sleep equipment" that needs to be cared for in order to assure the best hygiene and performance. It's important to follow mattress care instructions from the maker of your mattress as products vary greatly. In general however, it's important to know the following:
Proper installation. Make sure your new mattress and foundation are properly installed in your home. Improper installation can damage your new sleep set. If you choose to transport and install on your own, ask the store personnel to give you some tips to help you avoid problems.
Use a protective pad. A good quality, washable mattress pad (and one for the foundation, too, if you like) is a must to keep your set fresh and free from stains.
Let it breathe. If you detect a slight "new product" odor, leave the mattress and foundation uncovered and well ventilated for a few hours. A breath of fresh air should do the trick!
Give it good support. Use a sturdy bed frame. If it's a queen or king size set, make sure your frame has the adequate center support that will prevent bowing or breakage.
Don't dry clean. The chemicals in dry cleaning agents/spot removers may be harmful to the fabric or underlying materials. Vacuuming is the only recommended cleaning method. But if you're determined to tackle a stain, use mild soap with cold water and apply lightly. Do not ever soak a mattress or foundation.
Don't remove the tag. Contrary to popular belief, it's not illegal to remove the law tag, but the information on the label will serve as a means of identification should you have a warranty claim.
It's not a trampoline. Don't let the kids jump on your sleep set. Their rough-housing could do damage to the interior construction, as well as to themselves!
Don't remove the tag. Contrary to popular belief, it's not illegal to remove the law tag, but the information on the label will serve as a means of identification should you have a warranty claim.
It's not a trampoline. Don't let the kids jump on your sleep set. Their rough-housing could do damage to the interior construction, as well as to themselves!
No boards, please. Never put a board between the mattress and foundation. It may enhance the sense of support for a while, but it will only make the problem worse over time. When any bed in your home has reached the "board stage", get rid of it.
Out with the old. Now that you've treated yourself to a new sleep set, arrange to have your old bed removed and disposed of. Don't give it to the kids, relatives, guests or neighbors. If it wasn't good enough for you, it isn't good enough for anyone else. Throw it out!
Labels:Mattresses, Mattress, Bed, Home, Tilam
Mattress Care
How's Your Sleep
How's Your Sleep
We all have too much to do, so take time out and recharge yourself by getting a good night's sleep. The quality and quantity of your sleep can make all the difference in how productive you'll be the next day. Here are ten tips to help you get the sleep you need and deserve.
Give yourself "permission" to go to bed. As hard as it may be to put away your "to do" list, make sleep a "priority." You'll thank yourself in the morning.
Unwind early in the evening. Try to deal with worries and distractions several hours before bedtime.
Develop a sleep ritual. Doing the same things each night just before bed signals your body to settle down for the night.
Keep regular hours. Keep your biological clock in check by going to bed around the same time each night and waking up close to the same time each morning – even on weekends.
Create a restful place to sleep. Sleep in a cool, dark room that is free from noises that may disturb your sleep.
Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation. It's difficult to sleep on a bed that's too small, soft, hard, old, or simply worn out.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help relieve daily tension and stress – but don't exercise too close to bedtime or you may have trouble falling asleep.
Cut down on stimulants. Consuming stimulants, such as caffeine, in the evening can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Don't smoke. Smokers take longer to fall asleep and wake up more often during the night.
Reduce alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol shortly before bedtime interrupts and fragments sleep.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Women & Sleep
Women & Sleep
Pregnancy: Sleeping for Two
Pregnancy is an exciting and physically demanding time. Physical symptoms (body aches, nausea, leg cramps, fetus movements and heartburn), as well as emotional changes (depression, anxiety, worry) can interfere with sleep. In the NSF poll, 78% of women reported more disturbed sleep during pregnancy than at other times. Sleep related problems also become more prevalent as the pregnancy progresses.
Women's Unique Sleep Experiences
Sleep is a basic human need. It’s as important for good health as diet and exercise. When we sleep, our bodies rest but our brains are active. Sleep lays the groundwork for a productive day ahead. Although most people need eight hours of sleep each night, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) 1998 Women Sleep Poll found that the average woman aged 30-60 sleeps only six hours and forty-one minutes during the workweek. Research has shown that a lack of enough restful sleep results in daytime sleepiness, increased accidents, problems concentrating, poor performance on the job and in school, and possibly, increased sickness and weight gain.
Getting the right amount of sleep is vital, but just as important is the quality of your sleep. Conditions unique to women, like the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause, can affect how well a woman sleeps. This is because the changing levels of hormones that a woman experiences throughout the month, like estrogen and progesterone, have an impact on sleep. Understanding the effects of these hormones, environmental factors and lifestyle habits can help women enjoy a good night's sleep.
Tips that May Help Sleep. . .
Make sure you mattress is comfortable and supports your entire body.
Exercise regularly, but finish your workout at least three hours before bedtime. Exercise may relieve some PMS symptoms and increase the amount of deep sleep.
Avoid foods and drinks high in sugar (including honey, syrup), and caffeine (coffee, colas, tea, chocolate), as well as salty foods and alcohol before bedtime. Caffeine and alcohol disturb sleep.
Try to have a standard bedtime routine and keep regular sleep times. Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool and quiet and that your pillow, sleep surface and coverings provide you with comfort.
Consult your healthcare professional, if needed.
First Trimester (Months 1-3)
High levels of progesterone are produced, increasing feelings of sleepiness. Also, the number of times a woman wakes up during the night to urinate increases. Disturbed sleep patterns may begin. Interrupted sleep can cause daytime sleepiness. Women tend to sleep more during this time than before they were pregnant, or later in pregnancy.
Second Trimester (Months 4-6)
Progesterone levels still rise, but slowly. This allows for better sleep than during the first trimester. The growing fetus reduces pressure on the bladder by moving above it, decreasing the need for frequent bathroom visits. Sleep quality is still worse than it was before pregnancy.
Third Trimester (Months 7-9)
Women experience the most pregnancy-related sleep problems now. They may often feel physically uncomfortable. Heartburn, leg cramps and sinus congestion are common reasons for disturbed sleep, as is an increased need to go to the bathroom. (The fetus puts pressure on the bladder again.) One recent study reported, that by the end of pregnancy, 98% of the women were waking during the night.
Snoring and Severe Daytime Sleepiness
Pregnant women who have never snored before may begin doing so. About 30% of pregnant women snore because of increased swelling of their nasal passages. This may partially block the airways. Snoring can also lead to high blood pressure, which can put both the mother and fetus at risk. If the blockage is severe, sleep apnea may result, characterized by loud snoring and periods of stopped breathing during sleep. The lack of oxygen disrupts sleep and may affect the unborn fetus. If loud snoring and severe daytime sleepiness (another symptom of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders) occur, consult your physician.
Restless Legs and Poor Sleep
More women (28%) than men (21%) report restless legs syndrome (RLS) symptoms in the NSF's 1998 Omnibus Sleep in America Poll and up to 15 percent of pregnant women develop RLS during the third trimester. RLS symptoms, such as crawling or moving feelings in the foot, calf or upper leg, momentarily disrupt sleep. Moving the legs can stop these symptoms temporarily, but the irritation returns when the limb is still. Fortunately, RLS symptoms usually end after delivery of the baby. However, women who are not pregnant can also suffer from RLS.
Medications used to treat RLS may cause harm to the fetus and should be discussed with your doctor.
Sleep tips for Pregnant Women
In the third trimester, sleep on your left side to allow for the best blood flow to the fetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Avoid lying flat on your back for a long period of time.
Drink lots of fluids during the day, but cut down before bedtime.
To prevent heartburn, do not eat large amounts of spicy, acidic (such as tomato products), or fried foods. If heartburn is a problem, sleep with your head elevated on pillows.
Exercise regularly to help you stay healthy, improve your circulation, and reduce leg cramps.
Try frequent bland snacks (like crackers) throughout the day. This helps avoid nausea by keeping your stomach full.
Special "pregnancy" pillows and mattresses may help you sleep better. Use of additional regular pillows can also help support your changing body.
Naps may help. The NSF poll found that 51% of pregnant or recently pregnant women reported at least one weekday nap: 60 % reported at least one weekend nap.
Talk to your doctor if insomnia persists.
Once her baby is born, a mother's sleep is frequently interrupted, particularly if she is nursing. Mothers who nurse and those with babies that wake frequently during the night should try to nap when their babies do. Sharing baby care to the extent possible, especially during the night, is important for the mother's health, safety, performance and vitality. After-birth blues (post-partum depression) may also be related to sleep problems. This is usually a temporary condition treatable with professional help.
Sleeping & Aging
Sleeping & Aging
The changes that aging brings tend to come upon us unnoticed at first, like the passing of the seasons. Slowly, over time, we become aware that our eyesight is less keen or our hearing less acute. In the same way, our experience of sleep is altered. It's not that our sleep needs decline with age, in fact research demonstrates that our sleep needs remain constant throughout adulthood. Most of us still require the same seven to nine hours of sleep a night we always did. However, a good night's rest may prove more elusive as we grow older. Lifestyle changes and behavioral practices may also play their part. Daytime naps may make us less tired at bedtime. Poor sleep habits may have become entrenched, and we may associate our bed with television watching or reading, not sleeping. Stress and bereavement may lead to early awakenings or interrupted sleep. And in the silence of our bedrooms, the bark of a neighbor's dog or a passing siren may trouble us more than when we were younger.
How Sleep Changes
Middle-aged and elderly people tend to spend less time in deeper sleep than younger people. In addition, the average total sleep time increases slightly after age 65 as do reports of difficulty falling asleep. One study found that after 65, 13 percent of men and 36 percent of women reported taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep.
What causes this difficulty? The elderly generally secrete lesser amounts of certain chemicals that regulate the sleep/wake cycle. Both melatonin (a substance produced by the pineal gland that promotes sleep) and growth hormone production decrease with age.
There are also changes in the body temperature cycle which occur with age. These factors may cause, or be a consequence of, sleep problems. In addition, a decrease in exposure to natural light and a change in diet may increase difficulty sleeping. Some researchers theorize that daytime inactivity (lack of exercise) and decreased mental stimulation may also lead to the "aging" of sleep.
Falling asleep isn't the only difficulty older people may face at night. Sleep also becomes more shallow, fragmented and variable in duration with age. The elderly wake more frequently than younger adults. Recent research suggests that the aging bladder can contribute to this. As a result, daytime sleepiness occurs.
Persistent trouble falling asleep at night or frequent drowsing by day is not normal or inevitable with age.
Sometimes, age-related changes mask underlying sleep disorders. For example, sleep apnea, a breathing disorder, is more common in the middle and elder years. The repeated awakenings caused by a literal lack of breath lead to daytime sleepiness. How can you tell whether daytime drowsiness is a result of a sleep disorder, sleep deficit or depression? Consulting a sleep specialist should lead to solutions that allow you to achieve better sleep.
The Impact of Sleep Problems
Sleep Deprivation has measurable negative effects on performance as well as physical and mental health. These effects can result in reduced energy, greater difficulty concentrating, diminished mood, and greater risk for accidents, including fall-asleep crashes. Work performance and relationships can suffer too. Pain may also be intensified by the physical and mental consequences of poor sleep.
Sleep Tips
There have been many well-documented studies about quality sleep and its impact on feeling healthy. Tilam King is at the industry forefront in applying these scientific principles to the design of our products. Our mission is to understand how our mattresses can help you achieve healthy rest.
Tilam King has been focused on extensive research about quality sleep. The benefits of good rest cannot be taken for granted. The engineering and design that transforms all the various raw materials into a comfortable, restful place is an art that continues leading to new discoveries, processes, levels of quality and techniques. This segment is about bedding education and its importance to your healthy lifestyle.
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