Saturday 26 July 2014

TILAM KING is revamping. *Blog view almost 200,000 views *Facebook 5,700 LIKES *Thousands of satisfied customers. *Less then 10 Unsatisfied customers.

Dear Supporters and fellow friends,

Tilam King had gone a long way... So long that we have built upon a IMPOSSIBLE BUSINESS MODEL, and made it POSSIBLE.


We had bring JOY into understanding MATTRESSES, which was then IMPOSSIBLE to understand.

We made it happen just simply because we love our industry more then anyone else possible.

We start by saying that we do have unhappy customers. We ain't perfect. Mostly are bed-frames delay or installation problems, which are then fixed by my suppliers. BUT THE HEATED ones are mostly on LOGISTICS.

You noticed the sad smiley face in the front and back of the words. I honestly tell you guys we do not know how to improve our LOGISTICS. If we engage a software team to implement, our current guys will not be able to understand and use. If we hire new people, not many young Singaporeans will honor and respect this position long term, mostly because MOVER companies are earning way moreeee then delivery teams of our sort of companies. We only can pray and hope that this kind of situation do not often cause hiccups.
*We open suggestions on how to improve our logistics -
We like to hear from you ;)


Okay, enough of the unhappy things, lets move on to something more interesting.
First and foremost we are redoing our flooring. We are committed to make our showroom more presentable and to further showcase our commitment to our mattresses.

Yea... I know chinese 7 month is around the corner, which we are intending to take this time to do our RENO. 
All our lights will be Energy Saving LEDs, nothing fluorescent is used to reduce heat and energy usage.

Do note that we will be open during our RENO process. It maybe dirty, and untidy, but we wish to share the process with all our clients and supporters.

We are very excited to bring the new look to our future and our supporting clients.

We also will launch our new website really soon in August.

We hope to T.O.P everything to be nice and proper before mid September.

We will never stop 
improving and 
our clients about our mattresses.

We are not a brand, 

we are a platform merely to bring the very best components together.

The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing,
- Tilam King

Thursday 3 July 2014

Our Company Brief, Right on track... Thank you supporters.

Dear Supporters and fellow Singaporeans,

Wow, we are already more then half year through 2014...

The intention of this year was to improve ourselves better,

1. Growing our team.
2. Get a nice webpage.
3. Minor revamp in our showroom.

Make our company look better overall.

Seriously, it is not easy.

We are not the typical company that just splurge money and engage the best designer to make things happen.

We want our package to improve but yet not affect our bottom line which is to provide affordable mattresses to everyone.

There are so many merchants out there spending close to $20-50 even $100 thousands a month on top locations, best advertising spots, and hire the best sales person to seal the deal.

These are what we never believe in.

I remembered sitting around a table of senior furniture business owners, we were talking about running our kind of business. 

I mentioned that, "product was the most important, not the sales person, not the plan, not the marketing efforts, due to the fact that we are living in a more and more transparent world."

but 3 groups slammed and said, "you know Tony, it is all about the sales person. You got the best product, but the sales person cannot sell for you also no point. You know today we live so well, is because of our sales people. Without them we will not have today." 

I said again, "if you rely on the sales person, he will go off at his peak, just like how a banker jumps around in different banks. They are ultimately working for you. As the CEO of the company, you need to make sure that the product sells by itself, therefore hiring anyone will feel easier and loyalty will be stronger."

1 said, "different la you... we take care of our staff so our staff follow us a long time. You business model also different because you use social media presence. Our business model different, if customer come, they cannot run away one, if not how to cover our overheads and expenses?"

I smiled, and continued drinking my beer.
(No offence to whom you are if you are reading, I just thought this is a very good and strong ideology to share with my fellow supporters on how the industry thinks.)


Look at what we have so far... that will be implementing real soon.

This is what we are talking about~ 
Probably the BEST LOOKING MATTRESS SITE in 2014. Period.
Not because we are better, 
not because we spend more, 
just because we love and respect our industry more then others.


These products represent our company.

80/80 tc Linen Set

Those that understand Linens, we call upon you to judge us.
We have the best Linens the entire Hotel Industry adds together. (Cotton category, don't compare vs silk or others, just compare Cotton to Cotton)


TK Luxury Series

Our flagship that represents 
what Natural Latex hybrid with Individual Pocketed Springs means.

Thousands have witness and are using happily.

Feel our passion when it comes to making the best mattress possible.


TK Premiere Series

Our aim to make the Sexiest mattress ALIVE. We did it.

Memory foam hybrid with Individual Pocketed Springs feels simply amazing and astonishingly sexy.

We have plenty of couples using it and feeling sexy ;)



TK Deluxe Series

Our aim to let consumers know that Foam mattress can feel sooooo good, despite what people say.

Our carefully selected Foam hybrid with Individual Pocketed Springs hits the right spot.

Feel it, and think otherwise about Foam. ;)


Ergo Series by TILAM KING

We listen to our fellow Chiropractors, what they have to say about preventing sore spines.
This is our ANSWER.

Who says a Back Friendly Mattress needs to be in the high thousands.

We made it less then $1k, yes we did.

The FACE of the less then SGD$1k Mattress to represent.


Hotel Comfort by TILAM KING

Guess who is in this Hotel room ;)

We finally made it, painful, troublesome, but worth it.

Our Minimalist mattress. 
Meant to be paired up or used alone with or without accessories.

Great value for all our consumers.


There it is, our breakdown on our product ranges, and what to expect in the coming months.

We thank for the great support and love that have been constantly showered upon us.
Those that gave us great comments.
Those that shared our Facebook posts.
Those that LIKEd us.
Those that DRAG their friends over to our shop, and even help us sell it to their friends. (u know who you are) :P
Those that encourage us.
Those that just simply are so awesomely sporting and generous.

Those other peeps that constantly say our bad things, we love you as well. Just because when you spend the effort to say our bad things, you make people remember our existence.
Those that flame us online, I have to thank you most, because you made my message even clearer
We love haters and appreciate them. Without you Tilam King will not exist.

We will continue to make good mattresses, 
we will continue to speak only the truth about mattresses, 
we will continue to only work with low operating cost so that we can deliver the best possible mattress to you and your family.

The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing.
- Tilam King