Thursday 11 June 2015

Tilam King, the only company that refuses to use traditional media and god bless the Internet.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow supporters and fellow Singaporeans,

we had really come a long way...

We are going to have 300,000 views really soon...

Those that supported us, THANK YOU!
Those that helped shared the great products, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!

Ultimately, we try our best to use only social media to reach out as many as we can possible, to those that benefited, will enjoy the BEST possible product and the BEST possible value! 

These are basically my opinions about the industry and how to be a smarter mattress shopper for every fellow Singaporean ;)


Our concept ...
<5 mattress fit all> model 
is easy to understand and transparent.


We believe in respecting our consumers by being straight forward, 
hence the honest price point...


Our ultimate reliability test, done in our own style and fashion.


Probably our most popular post of all, that is everywhere in Google searches and probably the most read blog-post about mattresses in Singapore!

The Logic of mattresses, how to buy?


Our take on the Hotel Experience.
How to have 5 star Hotel Experience right in your bedroom?


A lot of effort was spent into the content and to put the perspectives from a consumer.
They are easy to understand and not with jargons which you cannot understand, and of cause with some of Singapore's humour.

We take pride and full credit what these content can bring us, for the good and bad.

We enjoy every smiles created educating consumers to get the most out of their mattress.

The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing
- Tilam King

* Just so you know, it is really not easy starting a company that actually use facts. We often get slammed by haters or competitors, the mattress industry is indeed filled with uneducated people and sales orientated sales people, which will say what it takes to close the deal, even destroying other people's image. We however for the educated people, now is the internet era, with transparency brands are just names. Manufacturers ultimately are manufacturers, whether or not we create good products, our components suppliers can substantiate for it's value. 
Manufacturers that eventually eliminate middle people, will cause some people to be unhappy, but to the clients, that is value for you there ;)
Just saying, 2cents.

Showroom address: 8 New Industrial Road #01-01 Singapore 536200
Telephone number: 6288 8666

Tuesday 9 June 2015

the IMPORTANCE of a flat base. Which is the support of your mattress.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow supporters and fellow Singaporeans...

There are many questions asking about mattresses and honestly, the base is as important too.

Tilam King uses Individual Pocketed Springs, therefore the springs doesn't rely on one another, preventing motion to be transferred to your partner.

The flat base is very crucial and very important.

Most bases nowadays are made into slates, PLEASE avoid them. Slates were invented because to save logistics cost on shipping. It is bent,  have gaps in-between them, occasionally causing the springs to be slanted while applying pressure on them. 

Also for those bases that are installed together by putting part by part through assembly, make sure that the base is fixed properly. Check to see if there are any weird sounds or loose joints.


There is also an honest reason why I blog about this topic.

Some of our clients complaint to us about our mattress sinking in the middle, 
or sagging in the middle.

We were shocked and 
we reacted by firstly going to their place to check it out.
Secondly, we place the mattress on the floor, which is flat, to test the mattress out.

This will be the most honest solution for us to identify whether our mattresses are at fault or not.

We then lay down on the area that is claimed to be the faulty area to check.

Then, nothing is wrong... -.-"

Realize that the base had cracks and indent, the indent led the mattress to feel that it had sagged in that particular area.


Hopefully after understanding this blog post, we start questioning more of the bases that we select for our mattress. All we need is to have a solid base that is flat, this assures that the mattress is well supported and hence giving you the best support you ever need from the mattress.

These solid bases are not expensive

for simple designs Queen size for example starts from $350 with 1 year warranty.

The more complex the design of the frames are the more the cost of the frames is.

The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing
- Tilam King