Saturday 25 May 2013

Tony's Back... Sorry I was away for around 40 days for a project development

Dear everybody,

I'm so sorry that I am away for such a long time, I was away for 40 days!

There is a project that needed me to be in Zhejiang n Shanghai for a period of time.

Anyways I am back. 

I have saw some facebook comments on my punctuality, I sincerely apologize.

1. Tilam King Opening Hours is 11am - 8pm weekdays, 11am - 7.30pm weekends.
2. for those that PMed me on facebook, sorry for my 1 month later reply :P

To those out there, I sincerely apologize to you.

If you ever come back and look for Tony / 93881170, I will do my very best to make wonders happen so that you can only remember that I will do what it takes, to make you a satisfied Tilam King supporter.

Hopefully those that were early in my stall and when I am late for work... hehe do come back and I will make it up for you ;)

I hope if you can see this, I sincerely apologize.

 The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing - Tilam King

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