Sunday 11 August 2013

FB over 2,500 LIKES , Blog over 67,700 HITS!! Thank you everyone!

Dear fellow Singaporeans,

Our passion and our products have moved our clients...

TILAM KING have officially stopped advertising on the papers (traditional media).

We believe that the best form of advertisement is in our product,
and we let you be our judge.

All the money that we saved, will be translated into more product for your money.

You are buying mattresses, not paying for someone else marketing plan.

Tilam King believes ONLY in substance.

My product speaks for itself, and will continue to further improve over time.


Facebook over 2,500 LIKES
Blog over 67,700 HITS

To us, these are staggering numbers which we sincerely appreciate all the support you give to us!

Thank you Everyone! Thank you sincerely!

We will never stop, and will continue to product THE BEST QUALITY mattresses at the best VALUE!

The Perfection of Passionate Manufacturing
- Tilam King

No one is as good as us when it comes to mattresses, PERIOD.

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